12V 6A car battery intelligent charging lead-acid battery charger is a quality product and it's worth your money. Most buyers who have purchased The 12V 6A car battery intelligent charging lead-acid battery charger are satisfied with the product.
12V 6A car battery intelligent charging lead-acid battery charger
Read our review of The 12V 6A car battery intelligent charging lead-acid battery charger to find out more information about this product. If you are interested to buy 12V 6A car battery intelligent charging lead-acid battery charger, we highly suggest you buy it from a reputable online store.
- Charger power line85 cm,35cm line output
- Rechargeable Battery:12V20AH~100AH
- Internal Settings have a cooling fan to fully guarantee the charger heat dissipation effect, improve the work efficiency
- Forced heat dissipation (side built-in fan )
- The need for water storage battery and maintenance-free battery
Buy 12V 6A car battery intelligent charging lead-acid battery charger
Item SpecificsSize: 158mm(L), 80mm(W), 58mm (H)
Charger power line85 cm,35cm line output
Rechargeable Battery:12V20AH~100AH
Input voltage:220V50Hz
Output voltage: DC14.4V
Output current: 0~ 6ARadiating:
Internal Settings have a cooling fan to fully guarantee the charger heat dissipation effect, improve the work efficiencyApplication battery:
the need for water storage battery and maintenance-free batteryCooling:
forced heat dissipation (side built-in fan )Tips:
Generally do not, no electricity to charge, winter is recommended1-2times per month.
Not only to be found the battery without electricity and unable to start the awkward,
do be prepared against want, and can prolong the service life of the battery ( battery ).Package includes:
1* car battery intelligent charger
Where is the best place to buy 12V 6A car battery intelligent charging lead-acid battery charger? please follow the link above to buy 12V 6A car battery intelligent charging lead-acid battery charger with cheap price on reputable online store.
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